Problem Solving: systematic problem solving

Problem Solving can be understood as a systematic process that involves identifying and analyzing a problem and finding an effective solution. Within business and industry, Problem Solving is a key tool for improving processes, improving quality, reducing costs and increasing overall efficiency. Depending on the situation, a variety of techniques and methods can be used to solve problems. Many of these can be introduced during this hands-on course.

What's in store for you:

  • Introduction to Problem Solving, basic principles and importance of effective and systematic problem solving
  • Identifying and defining the problem
  • Root cause analysis tools (5Whys, Ishikawa diagram, A3, etc.)
  • Creative tools for generating and evaluating possible solutions (brainstorming, mind maps, etc.)
  • Decision-making tools (Pareto analysis, cost-benefit analysis, etc.)
  • Planning tools (Gantt chart, CPM critical path method, etc.)
  • Statistical and quantitative tools (regression analysis, forecasting models, etc.)
  • Quality management tools (Six Sigma, 5D/8D report, etc.)
  • Implementation and verification - effective implementation of the solution and measurement of its success
  • Continuous Improvement - a strategy for maintaining and continuously improving processes
  • Practical exercises - solving real company problems using selected tools

For whom the workshop is intended:

  • Managers and executives
  • Masters
  • Engineers and technicians
  • Qualitarians
  • Administrative staff
  • Production and logistics workers

Workshop duration: 2-3 days

Venue: at your company/our partner company

What the workshop will bring to your company:

  • You will learn how to identify the real causes of problems and how to solve problems in a structured and effective way
  • You can use the skills you have acquired across the company
  • You will be able to show others how to approach problems and identify root causes
  • By taking a systematic approach to solving problems in your company, you will foster a culture of continuous improvement

If you are interested in implementing the method in your company, please contact us.

By appointment
In your plant/our partner company
By appointment
By appointment

EU Contributions:

100% for companies with up to 499 employees
50% for companies with 500 to 3000 employees + foreign companies