5S: The path to a more efficient and safer workplace

The 5S method focuses on workplace organisation and improving efficiency and productivity through systematic maintenance of order and cleanliness. The name 5S is derived from five Japanese words (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) that represent the steps of the method - sort, organize, clean, standardize, maintain.

This hands-on 5S workshop will help you create a more organized, cleaner and safer work environment. During the workshop, you will learn proven methods for creating and maintaining an organized, efficiently utilized, set-up and safe workplace.

What's in store for you:

  • Introduction to 5S, basic principles and benefits, advantages of 5S in production and non-production environments
  • Sorting - space analysis, identification and removal of unnecessary
  • Arrangement - principles of tool, material and workspace layout
  • Cleaning - keeping clean for efficiency and safety
  • Standardization - setting standards, visualization
  • Sustainability - control mechanisms and audits, motivation
  • Practical demonstrations, real-life examples, simulations

For whom the workshop is intended:

  • Managers and executives
  • Masters
  • Technologists
  • Process Engineers
  • Operators, maintenance and adjustment workers, logistics workers
  • Administrative staff

Scope of the workshop: 2-3 days

Venue: at your site/our partner company

What the workshop will bring to your company:

  • You will learn how to efficiently organize your workplace so that it is safe, organized, and you avoid getting lost looking for tools, etc.
  • You will learn how to use space and materials efficiently, minimise wastage and excess stock
  • You can use the skills you have acquired across the company
  • Show others that you can work more efficiently and faster
  • Reduce errors and defects in production with a clean and organised workplace

If you are interested in implementing the method in your company, please contact us.

By appointment
In your plant/our partner company
By appointment
By appointment

EU Contributions:

100% for companies with up to 499 employees
50% for companies with 500 to 3000 employees + foreign companies